Assault Lawyer for Anoka, MN
If you face assault charges in Anoka, MN, you need an experienced team to help you navigate the legal minefield ahead of you. Rely on Mesenbourg & Sarratori Law Offices, P.A. when you need an expert assault attorney.
Skilled Lawyers
Assault is a serious charge, so you need a serious attorney when you’re facing it. Trust Paul Sarratori and Jerry Mesenbourg.
Mr. Sarratori has extensive experience as a public defender, which means that he knows exactly how the court system works and how to mount an effective defense. Mr. Mesenbourg, on the other hand, used to work as a police officer, then as a prosecutor. Between the two of them, you’ll have all the expertise you’ll need.
If you’d like to learn more about our assault attorneys’ backgrounds, take a look at their profiles.
Help is Available
The potential consequences of the charges against you are severe. Don’t put off getting legal help. Instead, reach out to an assault lawyer for Anoka, MN, from Mesenbourg & Sarratori Law Offices, P.A.
We want to be available to our clients when they need us, so we answer our phones any time of the day or night. Call us at (763) 754-5555 to speak with a member of our team. You can also reach us through our contact page.